Davit Systems are available for sale at Professional Safety Services (UK) Ltd through our sales department. Hence we are the first choice in the hire market.
A davit is any of various cranelike devices used on a ship or industry for supporting, raising, and lowering boats, anchors, workers, etc..
Davit systems are most often used to lower an emergency lifeboat to the embarkation level to be boarded. Davits can also be used as man-overboard safety devices to retrieve personnel from the water.
Portable system involve a base certified to an CE EN 796 to act as a removable anchor which a lower mast and upper arm can be connected to. This will then hold a man-riding winch and back up device in order to allow for entry into spaces. Typical systems would be a counterweight system, tow bar hitch mount system or a trench or barrel mount.
Fixed mount systems involve the permanent installation of a base component certified to CE EN796 standard. Because of this these units are installed using 20mm bolts or can be concreted in for a permanent anchor point. The lower mast and upper davit or job arms can then be used in conjunction with a winch to facilitate access or entry.
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